Monday, July 27, 2020

Greetings all.
A lot has happened since the last time you heard from me. For one thing, the name of my business has changed to Blackbird Bookshop. The URL for the website is

I just have to figure out how to change my profile to reflect the change. 😃

So, Blackbird Bookshop still has quality mystery books at reasonable prices. And, more importantly, we have every book we list. Probably one-third of the books we carry are signed by the author.

On August 4, 2020 we will be participating in Gettman's Virtual Book Fair. Gettman's fair has 150 dealers with books covering all genres. You can search by category or browse each dealer's offerings. The interface between buyer and seller is also very good and painless.

Hope to see you at the fair.
